I wanted to share 5 healthy habits that I have started to incorporate that positively impact my life. Since quarantine started, it’s safe to say our daily routine looks pretty similar day after day. I am sure we’ve all gotten in a groove of what’s works best for us, and I thought it’d be helpful to share what has positively impacted me.

Sweater | Jeans | Sneakers
Earlier in the summer, a new skincare product gave me contact dermatitis ALL over my face. It was so uncomfortable and I found icing my face (with ice cubes) calmed down the inflammation. Since I started, I have seen a huge difference in the size of my pores on my face.. even after the contact dermatitis healed. Turns out, the ice tightens up your pores and protects them from future oil clogging. I decided to step up my icing game and bought this Cyrocup, as it’s much easier to hold then straight up ice.
I’ve been sharing weekly how I rarely use hot tools anymore and am embracing my natural waves by air-drying my hair. My hair has been looking so good and feels so healthy. My waves are more pronounced and stay intact for days. I used to wash my hair every other day because my hairline would get so greasy but now it can last 4-5 days before it needs a wash. I am a huge fan of Virtue Labs products and have an entire blog post dedicated to my favorite hair products.
Since I work from home, and have been long before quarantine started, I wear loungewear quite a bit. Over the last few months, I have focused on adding more quality loungewear that I feel good into my closet. Instead of just lying around in gym clothes that don’t match, I have purchased a few sets that are cute, comfy, and I feel comfortable wearing outside of the house (to walk the dog, for example). Below are a few pieces I have purchased and love:
Being an influencer, you feel pressure to constantly be creating content. I used to rely heavily on Ryan, bombarding him as soon as he walked in the door from work. More recently, I’ve been using my tripod and the LensBuddy app and love the flexibility it has given me. Since I usually only get dressed to go to the dentist or grocery store nowadays, I throw this travel tripod in my purse and snap some pics before or after my appointment with my iPhone.
Since I got all the time in the world, I’ve been putting extra effort into my skincare routine. As you know, I love my NuFace and use it daily. Click here to read my recent blog post to learn why. I also purchased quite a few items from Dermstore and have been using them religiously – linked a few below! Not to mention, my favorite spa, Amelia Aesthetics, reopened back in July so I’ve gone twice to get a Morpheus8 treatment done, which is both microneedling and radiofrequency all in one. An easy and effective skincare routine is a must and if you have the extra time, and money, might as well spend it on your face. You only have one.
Do you have a habit, new or old, that you love doing day after day? If so, please share.. always looking for more healthy habits to incorporate!