Before we dive into it, I am having a neon moment. I found this sweater at H&M for $9 & I’ve styled it several ways since. I find most sweaters itchy but not this guy. It’s currently sold out but stay tuned, I know it will come back in stock!

Sweater | Skirt | Platform Sneakers | Sunnies
Lately, I’ve become more creative with how I spend my time shooting content. Since I work from home, I have the time & flexibility to get the shot myself which is great knowing I don’t have to rely on a third party. I have also started to batch my content – shooting multiple looks in one go. This way, I can plan out content & blog posts weeks in advance which lets me focus on other things that need my attention.. like Poshmarking that huge pile of clothes!
Hire a photographer
If you plan it right, you can shoot up to 6 or even 8 outfits (yes.. EIGHT!) in 1 hour with a professional photographer. That content could last you an entire month! Most photographers charge by the hour, & prices totally vary depending on the photographer & the ask. I suggest searching by hashtags on Instagram to find local photographers in your area & DM them asking for more details, like price and if they have a blogger package.
I love my girl Glory here in Raleigh.. she travels to me & sends over my unedited images within 24 hours. Just be sure to always credit the photographer for any images that you share on your blog or social media!
Shoot it yourself
The good ole selfie. When I shoot by myself, I like to prop up my iPhone, use the front facing camera to see my reflection & set the timer to 10 seconds – it works wonders! I also like using this tripod, which can be used with both iPhones & DSLR cameras, to film IGTV videos or get shots outside. You can also set up a Bluetooth remote to get more pictures in a short period of time but it’s not necessary.
Here are some shots I took myself: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3
Ask and you shall receive
Here are some ideas:
- Ask a a local blogger if they’d be interested in creating content together! You’ll be more comfortable in front of & behind the camera since you have experience.
- Ask a friend but I suggest asking them before you see them so they’re prepared. I always like to give my girlfriends a heads up so they don’t get annoyed.
- Bribe your boyfriend and/or significant other with <<insert something enticing here, like a beer>>. Be sure to practice your poses beforehand to make the shoot v quick.
- When in doubt, ask your Mom. They love spending time with you & will have more patience than most people to get the shot.
- Ask a stranger. Tell them where to stand & how to hold the camera & you’re good to go!
I hope these tips inspire you to create content! When there’s a will, there’s a way. & if you’re in need of some locations, click here to check out my favorite places to shoot here in Raleigh.